'use strict';

jest.mock('shared/ReactFeatureFlags', () => {
    () => jest.requireActual('shared/forks/ReactFeatureFlags.www-dynamic'),
    {virtual: true}
  const actual = jest.requireActual('shared/forks/ReactFeatureFlags.www');

  // This flag is only used by tests, it should never be set elsewhere.
  actual.enableSyncDefaultUpdates = __VARIANT__;

  return actual;

jest.mock('scheduler/src/SchedulerFeatureFlags', () => {
  const schedulerSrcPath = process.cwd() + '/packages/scheduler';
    () =>
        schedulerSrcPath + '/src/forks/SchedulerFeatureFlags.www-dynamic'
    {virtual: true}
  const actual = jest.requireActual(
    schedulerSrcPath + '/src/forks/SchedulerFeatureFlags.www'

  // These flags are not a dynamic on www, but we still want to run
  // tests in both versions.
  actual.enableIsInputPending = __VARIANT__;
  actual.enableIsInputPendingContinuous = __VARIANT__;
  actual.enableProfiling = __VARIANT__;
  actual.enableSchedulerDebugging = __VARIANT__;

  return actual;

global.__WWW__ = true;