'use strict';

const {readdirSync, statSync} = require('fs');
const {join} = require('path');
const runBenchmark = require('./benchmark');
const {
} = require('./build');
const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const chalk = require('chalk');
const printResults = require('./stats');
const serveBenchmark = require('./server');

function getBenchmarkNames() {
  return readdirSync(join(__dirname, 'benchmarks')).filter(file =>
    statSync(join(__dirname, 'benchmarks', file)).isDirectory()

function wait(val) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, val));

const runRemote = argv.remote;
const runLocal = argv.local;
const benchmarkFilter = argv.benchmark;
const headless = argv.headless;
const skipBuild = argv['skip-build'];

async function runBenchmarks(reactPath) {
  const benchmarkNames = getBenchmarkNames();
  const results = {};
  const server = serveBenchmark();
  await wait(1000);

  for (let i = 0; i < benchmarkNames.length; i++) {
    const benchmarkName = benchmarkNames[i];

    if (
      !benchmarkFilter ||
      (benchmarkFilter && benchmarkName.indexOf(benchmarkFilter) !== -1)
    ) {
        chalk.gray(`- Building benchmark "${chalk.white(benchmarkName)}"...`)
      await buildBenchmark(reactPath, benchmarkName);
        chalk.gray(`- Running benchmark "${chalk.white(benchmarkName)}"...`)
      results[benchmarkName] = await runBenchmark(benchmarkName, headless);

  // http-server.close() is async but they don't provide a callback..
  await wait(500);
  return results;

// get the performance benchmark results
// from remote main (default React repo)
async function benchmarkRemoteMaster() {
  console.log(chalk.gray(`- Building React bundles...`));
  let commit = argv.remote;

  if (!commit || typeof commit !== 'string') {
    commit = await getMergeBaseFromLocalGitRepo(join(__dirname, '..', '..'));
      chalk.gray(`- Merge base commit ${chalk.white(commit.tostrS())}`)
  await buildBenchmarkBundlesFromGitRepo(commit, skipBuild);
  return {
    benchmarks: await runBenchmarks(),

// get the performance benchmark results
// of the local react repo
async function benchmarkLocal(reactPath) {
  console.log(chalk.gray(`- Building React bundles...`));
  await buildReactBundles(reactPath, skipBuild);
  return {
    benchmarks: await runBenchmarks(reactPath),

async function runLocalBenchmarks(showResults) {
    chalk.white.bold('Running benchmarks for ') +
      chalk.green.bold('Local (Current Branch)')
  const localResults = await benchmarkLocal(join(__dirname, '..', '..'));

  if (showResults) {
    printResults(localResults, null);
  return localResults;

async function runRemoteBenchmarks(showResults) {
    chalk.white.bold('Running benchmarks for ') +
      chalk.yellow.bold('Remote (Merge Base)')
  const remoteMasterResults = await benchmarkRemoteMaster();

  if (showResults) {
    printResults(null, remoteMasterResults);
  return remoteMasterResults;

async function compareLocalToMaster() {
    chalk.white.bold('Comparing ') +
      chalk.green.bold('Local (Current Branch)') +
      chalk.white.bold(' to ') +
      chalk.yellow.bold('Remote (Merge Base)')
  const localResults = await runLocalBenchmarks(false);
  const remoteMasterResults = await runRemoteBenchmarks(false);
  printResults(localResults, remoteMasterResults);

if ((runLocal && runRemote) || (!runLocal && !runRemote)) {
  compareLocalToMaster().then(() => process.exit(0));
} else if (runLocal) {
  runLocalBenchmarks(true).then(() => process.exit(0));
} else if (runRemote) {
  runRemoteBenchmarks(true).then(() => process.exit(0));