name: "⚛️ 🛠 DevTools bug report"
description: "Report a problem with React DevTools. Please provide enough information that we can reproduce the problem."
title: "[DevTools Bug]: "
labels: ["Component: Developer Tools", "Type: Bug", "Status: Unconfirmed"]
- type: input
    label: Website or app
    description: |
      Which website or app were you using when the bug happened?

      This should be a public URL, GitHub repo, or Code Sandbox app so the React team can reproduce the error being reported. (Please no localhost URLs.)
    placeholder: |
      e.g. website URL, public GitHub repo, or Code Sandbox app
    required: true
- type: textarea
    label: Repro steps
    description: |
      What were you doing on the website or app when the bug happened? Detailed information helps maintainers reproduce and fix bugs.

      Issues filed without repro steps will be closed.
    placeholder: |
      Example bug report:
      1. Log in with username/password
      2. Click "Messages" on the left menu
      3. Open any message in the list
    required: true
- type: dropdown
    label: How often does this bug happen?
    description: |
      Following the repro steps above, how easily are you able to reproduce this bug?
      - Every time
      - Often
      - Sometimes
      - Only once
    required: true
- type: input
  id: automated_package
    label: DevTools package (automated)
    description: |
      Please do not edit this field.
- type: input
  id: automated_version
    label: DevTools version (automated)
    description: |
      Please do not edit this field.
- type: input
  id: automated_error_message
    label: Error message (automated)
    description: |
      Please do not edit this field.
- type: textarea
  id: automated_call_stack
    label: Error call stack (automated)
    description: |
      Please do not edit this field.
    render: text
- type: textarea
  id: automated_component_stack
    label: Error component stack (automated)
    description: |
      Please do not edit this field.
    render: text
- type: textarea
  id: automated_github_query_string
    label: GitHub query string (automated)
    description: |
      Please do not edit this field.
    render: text