import { git, readPackageJSON } from './utils.js';
const packageJSON = readPackageJSON();
const labelsConfig: { [label: string]: { section: string; fold?: boolean } } = {
'PR: breaking change 💥': {
section: 'Breaking Change 💥',
'PR: deprecation ⚠': {
section: 'Deprecation ⚠',
'PR: feature 🚀': {
section: 'New Feature 🚀',
'PR: bug fix 🐞': {
section: 'Bug Fix 🐞',
'PR: docs 📝': {
section: 'Docs 📝',
fold: true,
'PR: polish 💅': {
section: 'Polish 💅',
fold: true,
'PR: internal 🏠': {
section: 'Internal 🏠',
fold: true,
'PR: dependency 📦': {
section: 'Dependency 📦',
fold: true,
const { GH_TOKEN } = process.env;
if (!GH_TOKEN) {
console.error('Must provide GH_TOKEN as environment variable!');
if (!packageJSON.repository || typeof packageJSON.repository.url !== 'string') {
console.error('package.json is missing repository.url string!');
const repoURLMatch =
if (repoURLMatch?.groups == null) {
console.error('Cannot extract organization and repo name from repo URL!');
const { githubOrg, githubRepo } = repoURLMatch.groups;
process.stdout.write(await genChangeLog());
async function genChangeLog(): Promise<string> {
const { version } = packageJSON;
let tag: string | null = null;
let commitsList = git().revList('--reverse', `v${version}..`);
if (commitsList.length === 0) {
const parentPackageJSON = git().catFile('blob', 'HEAD~1:package.json');
const parentVersion = JSON.parse(parentPackageJSON).version;
commitsList = git().revList('--reverse', `v${parentVersion}..HEAD~1`);
tag = `v${version}`;
const allPRs = await getPRsInfo(commitsList);
const date = git().log('-1', '--format=%cd', '--date=short');
const byLabel: { [label: string]: Array<PRInfo> } = {};
const committersByLogin: { [login: string]: AuthorInfo } = {};
for (const pr of allPRs) {
const labels = pr.labels.nodes
.map((label) =>
.filter((label) => label.startsWith('PR: '));
if (labels.length === 0) {
throw new Error(`PR is missing label. See ${pr.url}`);
if (labels.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
`PR has conflicting labels: ${labels.join('\n')}\nSee ${pr.url}`,
const label = labels[0];
if (!labelsConfig[label]) {
throw new Error(`Unknown label: ${label}. See ${pr.url}`);
byLabel[label] ??= [];
committersByLogin[] =;
let changelog = `## ${tag ?? 'Unreleased'} (${date})\n`;
for (const [label, config] of Object.entries(labelsConfig)) {
const prs = byLabel[label];
if (prs) {
const shouldFold = config.fold && prs.length > 1;
changelog += `\n#### ${config.section}\n`;
if (shouldFold) {
changelog += '<details>\n';
changelog += `<summary> ${prs.length} PRs were merged </summary>\n\n`;
for (const pr of prs) {
const { number, url, author } = pr;
changelog += `* [#${number}](${url}) ${pr.title} ([@${author.login}](${author.url}))\n`;
if (shouldFold) {
changelog += '</details>\n';
const committers = Object.values(committersByLogin).sort((a, b) =>
( || a.login).localeCompare( || b.login),
changelog += `\n#### Committers: ${committers.length}\n`;
for (const committer of committers) {
changelog += `* ${}([@${committer.login}](${committer.url}))\n`;
return changelog;
async function graphqlRequest(query: string) {
const response = await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: 'bearer ' + GH_TOKEN,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'User-Agent': 'gen-changelog',
body: JSON.stringify({ query }),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(
`GitHub responded with ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}\n` +
(await response.text()),
const json = await response.json();
if (json.errors) {
throw new Error('Errors: ' + JSON.stringify(json.errors, null, 2));
interface CommitInfo {
oid: string;
message: string;
associatedPullRequests: {
nodes: ReadonlyArray<{
number: number;
repository: {
nameWithOwner: string;
async function batchCommitToPR(
commits: ReadonlyArray<string>,
): Promise<ReadonlyArray<number>> {
let commitsSubQuery = '';
for (const oid of commits) {
commitsSubQuery += `
commit_${oid}: object(oid: "${oid}") {
... on Commit {
associatedPullRequests(first: 10) {
nodes {
repository {
const response = await graphqlRequest(`
repository(owner: "${githubOrg}", name: "${githubRepo}") {
const prNumbers = [];
for (const oid of commits) {
const commitInfo: CommitInfo = response.repository['commit_' + oid];
return prNumbers;
interface AuthorInfo {
login: string;
url: string;
name: string;
interface PRInfo {
number: number;
title: string;
url: string;
author: AuthorInfo;
labels: {
nodes: ReadonlyArray<{
name: string;
async function batchPRInfo(
prNumbers: ReadonlyArray<number>,
): Promise<Array<PRInfo>> {
let prsSubQuery = '';
for (const number of prNumbers) {
prsSubQuery += `
pr_${number}: pullRequest(number: ${number}) {
author {
... on User {
labels(first: 10) {
nodes {
const response = await graphqlRequest(`
repository(owner: "${githubOrg}", name: "${githubRepo}") {
const prsInfo = [];
for (const number of prNumbers) {
prsInfo.push(response.repository['pr_' + number]);
return prsInfo;
function commitInfoToPR(commit: CommitInfo): number {
const associatedPRs = commit.associatedPullRequests.nodes.filter(
(pr) => pr.repository.nameWithOwner === `${githubOrg}/${githubRepo}`,
if (associatedPRs.length === 0) {
const match = / \(#(?<prNumber>[0-9]+)\)$/m.exec(commit.message);
if (match?.groups?.prNumber != null) {
return parseInt(match.groups.prNumber, 10);
throw new Error(
`Commit ${commit.oid} has no associated PR: ${commit.message}`,
if (associatedPRs.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
`Commit ${commit.oid} is associated with multiple PRs: ${commit.message}`,
return associatedPRs[0].number;
async function getPRsInfo(
commits: ReadonlyArray<string>,
): Promise<ReadonlyArray<PRInfo>> {
let prNumbers = await splitBatches(commits, batchCommitToPR);
prNumbers = Array.from(new Set(prNumbers));
return splitBatches(prNumbers, batchPRInfo);
async function splitBatches<I, R>(
array: ReadonlyArray<I>,
batchFn: (array: ReadonlyArray<I>) => Promise<ReadonlyArray<R>>,
): Promise<ReadonlyArray<R>> {
const promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i += 50) {
const batchItems = array.slice(i, i + 50);
return (await Promise.all(promises)).flat();