use crate::scanner::allowed_paths::{is_allowed_content_path, resolve_allowed_paths};
use crate::GlobEntry;
use fxhash::FxHashSet;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync;
use walkdir::WalkDir;

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DetectSources {
    base: PathBuf,

static KNOWN_EXTENSIONS: sync::LazyLock<Vec<&'static str>> = sync::LazyLock::new(|| {
        // Drop commented lines
        .filter(|x| !x.starts_with('#'))
        // Drop empty lines
        .filter(|x| !x.is_empty())

impl DetectSources {
    pub fn new(base: PathBuf) -> Self {
        Self { base }

    pub fn detect(&self) -> (Vec<PathBuf>, Vec<GlobEntry>, Vec<PathBuf>) {
        let (files, dirs) = self.resolve_files();
        let globs = self.resolve_globs(&dirs);

        (files, globs, dirs)

    fn resolve_files(&self) -> (Vec<PathBuf>, Vec<PathBuf>) {
        let mut files: Vec<PathBuf> = vec![];
        let mut dirs: Vec<PathBuf> = vec![];

        for entry in resolve_allowed_paths(&self.base) {
            let Some(file_type) = entry.file_type() else {

            if file_type.is_file() {
            } else if file_type.is_dir() {

        (files, dirs)

    fn resolve_globs(&self, dirs: &Vec<PathBuf>) -> Vec<GlobEntry> {
        let allowed_paths = FxHashSet::from_iter(dirs);

        // A list of directory names where we can't use globs, but we should track each file
        // individually instead. This is because these directories are often used for both source and
        // destination files.
        let mut forced_static_directories = vec![self.base.join("public")];

        // A list of known extensions + a list of extensions we found in the project.
        let mut found_extensions =
            FxHashSet::from_iter(KNOWN_EXTENSIONS.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()));

        // All root directories.
        let mut root_directories = FxHashSet::from_iter(vec![self.base.clone()]);

        // All directories where we can safely use deeply nested globs to watch all files.
        // In other comments we refer to these as "deep glob directories" or similar.
        // E.g.: `./src/**/*.{html,js}`
        let mut deep_globable_directories: FxHashSet<PathBuf> = FxHashSet::default();

        // All directories where we can only use shallow globs to watch all direct files but not
        // folders.
        // In other comments we refer to these as "shallow glob directories" or similar.
        // E.g.: `./src/*/*.{html,js}`
        let mut shallow_globable_directories: FxHashSet<PathBuf> = FxHashSet::default();

        // Collect all valid paths from the root. This will already filter out ignored files, unknown
        // extensions and binary files.
        let mut it = WalkDir::new(&self.base)
            // Sorting to make sure that we always see the directories before the files. Also sorting
            // alphabetically by default.
                |a, z| match (a.file_type().is_dir(), z.file_type().is_dir()) {
                    (true, false) => Ordering::Less,
                    (false, true) => Ordering::Greater,
                    _ => a.file_name().cmp(z.file_name()),

        loop {
            // We are only interested in valid entries
            let entry = match {
                Some(Ok(entry)) => entry,
                _ => break,

            // Ignore known directories that we don't want to traverse into.
            if entry.file_type().is_dir() && entry.file_name() == ".git" {

            if entry.file_type().is_dir() {
                // If we are in a directory where we know that we can't use any globs, then we have to
                // track each file individually.
                if forced_static_directories.contains(&entry.path().to_path_buf()) {

                // If we are in a directory where the parent is a forced static directory, then this
                // will become a forced static directory as well.
                if forced_static_directories.contains(&entry.path().parent().unwrap().to_path_buf())

                // If we are in a directory, and the directory is git ignored, then we don't have to
                // descent into the directory. However, we have to make sure that we mark the _parent_
                // directory as a shallow glob directory because using deep globs from any of the
                // parent directories will include this ignored directory which should not be the case.
                // Another important part is that if one of the ignored directories is a deep glob
                // directory, then all of its parents (until the root) should be marked as shallow glob
                // directories as well.
                if !allowed_paths.contains(&entry.path().to_path_buf()) {
                    let mut parent = entry.path().parent();
                    while let Some(parent_path) = parent {
                        // If the parent is already marked as a valid deep glob directory, then we have
                        // to mark it as a shallow glob directory instead, because we won't be able to
                        // use deep globs for this directory anymore.
                        if deep_globable_directories.contains(parent_path) {

                        // If we reached the root, then we can stop.
                        if parent_path == self.base {

                        // Mark the parent directory as a shallow glob directory and continue with its
                        // parent.
                        parent = parent_path.parent();


                // If we are in a directory that is not git ignored, then we can mark this directory as
                // a valid deep glob directory. This is only necessary if any of its parents aren't
                // marked as deep glob directories already.
                let mut found_deep_glob_parent = false;
                let mut parent = entry.path().parent();
                while let Some(parent_path) = parent {
                    // If we reached the root, then we can stop.
                    if parent_path == self.base {

                    // If the parent is already marked as a deep glob directory, then we can stop
                    // because this glob will match the current directory already.
                    if deep_globable_directories.contains(parent_path) {
                        found_deep_glob_parent = true;

                    parent = parent_path.parent();

                // If we didn't find a deep glob directory parent, then we can mark this directory as a
                // deep glob directory (unless it is the root).
                if !found_deep_glob_parent && entry.path() != self.base {

            // Handle allowed content paths
            if is_allowed_content_path(entry.path())
                && allowed_paths.contains(&entry.path().to_path_buf())
                let path = entry.path();

                // Collect the extension for future use when building globs.
                if let Some(extension) = path.extension().and_then(|x| x.to_str()) {

        let mut extension_list = found_extensions.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();


        let extension_list = extension_list.join(",");

        // Build the globs for all globable directories.
        let shallow_globs = shallow_globable_directories.iter().map(|path| GlobEntry {
            base: path.display().to_string(),
            pattern: format!("*/*.{{{}}}", extension_list),

        let deep_globs = deep_globable_directories.iter().map(|path| GlobEntry {
            base: path.display().to_string(),
            pattern: format!("**/*.{{{}}}", extension_list),
