<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <script src="../../dist/vue.min.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="demo.css">
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      <h1>Rendering Dynamic Big Table</h1>
      <p>Reference: <a href="http://insin.github.io/ui-lib-samples/large-datasets/index.html">insin/ui-lib-samples/large-datasets</a></p>

        <span>{{ rows }} x {{ cols }}, {{ optimized ? 'with' : 'without' }} optimization. {{ msg }}</span>

        <button v-if="optimized" @click="loadBase">Disable optimization</button>
        <button v-else @click="loadOptimized">Enable optimization (Object.freeze)</button>
        <button @click="unmount">Unmount</button>
        <button @click="rerender">Rerender with fresh data</button>

        <strong>Filter Data</strong>:
        <input type="text" v-model="filter">

          If the user is filtering the data, we want to offer some insight into
          the breadth of the filtering.
        <span v-if="filter">
          Filtering <strong>{{ filter }}</strong>
          over {{ dataPoints }} data points,
          {{ visibleCount() }} found.


      <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" :class="{ filtered: filter }">
        <tr v-for="row in grid">
          <th>{{ row.id }}</th>
          <td v-for="item in row.items"
            :class="{ hidden: !matches(item) }">
            {{ item.value }}

    var ROWS = 1000
    var COLS = 10
    var OPTIMIZED = window.location.hash === '#optimized'

    window.onhashchange = function () {

    function generateGrid( rowCount, columnCount ) {
      var valuePoints = [
        "Daenerys", "Jon", "Sansa", "Arya", "Stannis", "Gregor", "Tyrion",
        "Theon", "Joffrey", "Ramsay", "Cersei", "Bran", "Margaery",
        "Melisandre", "Daario", "Jamie", "Eddard", "Myrcella", "Robb",
        "Jorah", "Petyr", "Tommen", "Sandor", "Oberyn", "Drogo", "Ygritte"
      var valueIndex = 0
      var grid = []

      for ( var r = 0; r < rowCount; r++ ) {
        var row = {
          id: r,
          items: []
        for ( var c = 0; c < columnCount; c++ ) {
            id: ( r + "-" + c ),
            value: valuePoints[ valueIndex ]
          if ( ++valueIndex >= valuePoints.length ) {
            valueIndex = 0

      return OPTIMIZED ? Object.freeze(grid) : grid

    var grid = generateGrid(ROWS, COLS)
    var s = window.performance.now()
    var vm = new Vue({

      el: '#el',

      data: {
        cols: COLS,
        rows: ROWS,
        optimized: OPTIMIZED,
        msg: 'loading...',
        grid: grid,
        dataPoints: grid.length * grid[0].items.length,
        filter: ''

      methods: {
        matches: function (item) {
          return item.value.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.filter.toLowerCase()) > -1
        visibleCount: function () {
          var count = 0
          var grid = this.grid
          for (var i = 0, l = grid.length; i < l; i++) {
            var row = grid[i].items
            for (var j = 0, k = row.length; j < k; j++) {
              var item = row[j]
              var matched = !this.filter || this.matches(item)
              if (matched) {
          return count
        loadBase: function () {
          window.location.hash = ''
        loadOptimized: function () {
          window.location.hash = '#optimized'
        unmount: function () {
          var s = window.performance.now()
          this.grid = []
          setTimeout(function () {
            vm.msg = 'umount took: ' + (window.performance.now() - s).toFixed(2) + 'ms'
          }, 0)
        rerender: function () {
          var grid = generateGrid(1000, 10)
          var s = window.performance.now()
          this.grid = grid
          setTimeout(function () {
            vm.msg = 'rerender took: ' + (window.performance.now() - s).toFixed(2) + 'ms'
          }, 0)
    setTimeout(function () {
      vm.msg = 'initial render took: ' + (window.performance.now() - s).toFixed(2) + 'ms'
    }, 0)